
Public Notice Regarding the National Endowment for the Humanities’ Section 106 Review of Creating a Humanities Hub at Georgetown University: The McNeir Auditorium Project

Please note: This is a public notice required by the National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH). This project has not yet been approved for full funding.

Public Notice Regarding the National Endowment for the Humanities’ Section 106 Review of Creating a Humanities Hub at Georgetown University: The McNeir Auditorium Project

The National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) has offered Georgetown University, in Washington, DC, a Challenge Infrastructure and Capacity Building grant (CHA-286651) to renovate the McNeir Auditorium to serve as a focal point on campus for humanities activities and programming offered by the Georgetown Humanities Initiative.

NEH is an independent grant-making agency of the United States government dedicated to supporting research, education, preservation, and public programs in the humanities. This public notice is issued as part of NEH’s responsibilities under 36 C.F.R. Part 800, the regulations which implement Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA) of 1966, as amended, 54 U.S.C. 306108. NEH, a funding agency, is required by regulation to identify and assess the effects of any proposed actions on historic properties. If any proposed action will have an adverse effect on historic resources, NEH works with the appropriate parties to seek ways to avoid, minimize, or mitigate any adverse effects. Additionally, the Section 106 regulations require NEH to consider the views of the public on preservation issues when making final decisions that affect historic properties.

The proposed project will take place at the McNeir Auditorium, within the campus of Georgetown University, located at 3700 O St NW Washington, DC 20057. The McNeir Auditorium is located within the New North Building (constructed in 1926) and attached to the west elevation of Old North (completed in 1797), the oldest extant academic building on the campus. Designed by the architectural firm of Marsh and Peter, the building was constructed as a dormitory known as “New North Dormitory,” with primary access provided by a modest entry on the south elevation adjacent to the Dahlgren Quadrangle. In addition to dormitory rooms on upper floors, the design included a lecture hall on the first floor, now known as McNeir Auditorium.

The project site is located within the Georgetown Historic District, which is listed on the National Register of Historic Places (NHRP #67000025). The Area of Potential Effects is limited to the footprint of the New North building and surrounding points on campus where the new accessible entry may be visible. There will be no ground disturbing activities.

The proposed work funded by the grant will include the following:

  • Extension of an existing window opening and addition of a new entrance to the McNeir Auditorium on the north elevation of New North;
  • Addition of an accessible ramp to this new entry in order to solve life-safety egress and accessibility issues;
  • Enlargement of the existing lobby on the interior and replacement of finishes and furniture;
  • Renovation of existing bathrooms adjacent to the lobby to comply with ADA requirements;
  • Addition of ADA-compliant seats within the auditorium;
  • Addition of an ADA-compliant ramp on the north side of the auditorium to access the stage;
  • Updating auditorium finishes and lighting and upgrading audio and visual resources;
  • Removal of an existing non-historic blackboard and replacement with new electronic monitors;
  • Installation of a retractable stage curtain for performances;
  • Repair of historic double-hung, wood-sash multi-light windows and installation of new interior storm windows to improve acoustics and thermal comfort; and,
  • Removal of a non-historic egress door behind the stage and insertion of a new window, restoring the historic configuration.

On June 26, 2024, the District of Columbia State Historic Preservation Office (DC SHPO) provided a conditional determination of no adverse effect to historic properties, stating: “1) the alterations occur at the basement level of what is effectively the rear of the building; 2) most of the auditorium’s interior finishes and furnishings have changed over the years; and 3) the conversion of a door to a window is a pretty minor alteration in the context of such a large building, we concur that the project will neither cause nor constitute adverse effects on the contributing building, neighboring listed properties, the campus as a whole, or the historic district. The restorative work compensates for the alterations. However, we expect to see the exterior entrance further detailed, as the stairs and ramps are now principally shown as a sketch plan, and these will obscure some of the base of the building.”

After reviewing Section 106 documentation and SHPO finding, NEH issues a determination of no adverse effect to historic properties, conditioned on Georgetown University providing the DC SHPO and NEH further details on the exterior entrance to the McNeir Auditorium.

As required by Section 106, NEH is providing the public with information about this project, as well as an opportunity to comment on any knowledge of, or concerns with, historic properties in the proposed project area, and issues relating to the project’s potential effects on historic properties. Comments may be submitted to the NEH by e-mail to  The deadline for submitting comments is January 20, 2025 (14 DAYS FROM POSTING).