
Georgetown Humanities is proud to support scholarly pursuits in the humanities by our colleagues within the University.

Humanities and Cura Personalis

The global pandemic and recent episodes of racial violence have left deep scars on our society. Physical distancing protocols and social disparities have led to a profound sense of separation between individuals.
Yet in this unprecedented crisis, we have also witnessed acts of compassion and solidarity that have brought people together across every divide. The realization of our vulnerability has foregrounded the need for emotional connections and mutual cooperation to reaffirm our common humanity.

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Remembering YoU

Remembering YoU is a community-driven archival initiative created to preserve U Street’s rich history and empower local residents to retake control of the narratives shaping their histories and neighborhoods. This project is sponsored by the Georgetown University Humanities Initiative and HumanitiesDC. To learn more about the U Street archival initiative, please visit the Project Overview and History page.

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Georgetown HyperHistory Hub

The Georgetown HyperHistory Hub integrates humanistic forms of historical inquiry with social and hard sciences approaches to history. The study of the human past has been a key area of collaboration across the social and natural sciences, but key concerns from the humanities about human agency, historical contingency, and culture are usually left out of such collaborations. Either there is a lack of representation of disciplines like history, art history, archaeology, or folklore studies in ‘hard science’ research on the human past, or such disciplines are involved only after research questions and methods have been determined.

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Georgetown University Buddhist and Silk Road Studies Initiative

The Georgetown University Buddhist and Silk Road Studies Initiative promotes teaching, learning, research, and public engagement on Buddhist traditions and the Silk Road at local, national, and international levels. At Georgetown, we support and enhance teaching and research in Buddhist Studies and the Silk Road at the undergraduate and graduate levels. We engage in community outreach through the Buddhist and Silk Road Studies lecture series and through shared events with our partners and stakeholders.

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The Theo-Humanism Project (THP)

The Theo-Humanism Project (THP) explores connections between the humanities and theological inquiry, drawing on the Jesuit notion of discerning divine movements in all human experience. THP’s varied activities aim to help scholars and students better engage the humanities across cultures—from great works of literature to bioethics—with a view to the human experience as a foundational arena of theological inquiry. THP strives to shed light on ways in which hidden theological insights are at play in all university knowledge pursuits for the greater good.

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