
The humanities’ comprehensive approach fosters synergies and team research efforts to explore a complex and increasingly interconnected world.

Georgetown Medical Humanities Initiative

The Medical Humanities Initiative is a cross-campus collaboration between Georgetown College, the Georgetown Humanities Initiative, and Georgetown School of Medicine. The program brings the fields of medicine, humanities, arts, and social sciences into conversation in order to achieve these aims: develop community and cultivate meaningful partnerships across campuses, engage faculty and students across Georgetown, and contribute to scholarship and activism in the growing fields of medical humanities and social medicine. It strives to re-center health and healing in a broader social, cultural, and historical context, and emphasizes the tools of the humanities which are traditionally left out of STEM disciplines. This initiative is supported by a Humanities Connection Grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities.

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Georgetown University Master’s in the Engaged & Public Humanities

The Georgetown University Master’s in the Engaged & Public Humanities is now accepting applications for the 2021–2022 academic year. The program unites study in literature, art, history, and philosophy with engaged, public outreach in a flexible format tailored to the needs of individual students. We explore the world of public humanities and humanities outreach, introducing students to the value of the humanities in government, business, non-profit and multiple other settings. In the program, students develop a historicized and theorized understanding of the humanities while mastering the skills needed to take their knowledge out into the world and make change happen.

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The Future of the Humanities Project

The Future of the Humanities Project is a collaboration between the Georgetown University Humanities Initiative and the Las Casas Institute at Blackfriars Hall, University of Oxford. It brings together scholars across disciplines to discuss critical issues at the intersection of the humanities and public life.
The project was launched with a November 2018 conference at Oxford University on “The Future of the Humanities,” featuring a keynote address by Dr. Terry Eagleton, and has since sponsored more than a dozen events in Oxford, London, and Washington, DC. The project is led by Professor Michael Scott, senior advisor to the President of Georgetown University, a leading Shakespeare scholar, and a fellow at Blackfriars Hall, Oxford. Kathryn Temple, Professor of English at Georgetown and founding director of the Master’s Program in the Engaged & Public Humanities, is a senior fellow with the project.

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Global Irish Studies at Georgetown University (GIS)

Global Irish Studies at Georgetown University (GIS), established in 2016, is a faculty-led initiative supported by Georgetown College. GIS, which builds on a long tradition of Irish and Irish-American involvement at Georgetown University, has three core aims: engaging the community; inspiring students; and developing research. By staging exciting public events, supporting innovative teaching, and facilitating student and faculty research, GIS hopes to build the most exciting Irish Studies program in North America. Given both its Irish heritage and its global outlook, Georgetown University is the perfect home for a new kind of Irish Studies–-one that looks at Ireland in a comparative perspective, understanding it as a place from which to ask innovative questions about the world we live in today.

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