
Since 2019, the Georgetown Humanities Initiative has supported interdisciplinary work through a variety of grants for scholarly, digital, and public-facing projects.

The Georgetown Humanities Initiative invites Georgetown faculty to apply for the following grants for AY 2025-26:

Application deadline: May 2, 2025

Faculty Book Manuscript Workshop Grants for Assistant and Associate Professors in the Humanities

Faculty Book Manuscript Workshops support the scholarly work of Assistant Professors in the humanities who started working at Georgetown before the 2024-25 academic year and of tenured humanities Associate Professors. Social science faculty who conduct qualitative scholarship, adopting humanistic approaches and methods, will also be considered if they are Associate Professors or Assistant Professors who began working at Georgetown prior to AY 2024-25.

Workshops provide a context to facilitate constructive criticism on scholarly monographs in progress, when authors can most effectively benefit from experts’ feedback to turn their scholarly projects into first-rate publications in view of their promotion to the next academic rank.  

The Humanities Initiative makes grants available of up to $3,000 each, towards travel and other expenses associated with bringing experts to Georgetown to review and offer guidance on monographs in progress by humanities Assistant or tenured Associate Professors with the aim to secure a publishing contract or strengthen the monograph before the final version is submitted.

The program allows faculty to invite to campus two experts in their field for a day-long workshop in AY 2025-26. In case of Covid-related travel and gathering restrictions, workshops will be planned on Zoom.  


Application Material

Workshop proposals must include the following components:

  1. Faculty C.V. including contact information (name, title, department, email address, telephone number, and campus address). 
  2. A one-page, single-spaced description of the monograph in progress; a table of contents; an accurate schedule for completion; a brief statement specifying whether or not the work is under contract with a publisher, a list of publishers who have expressed interest, or that the applicant feels would be ideal for the project but who have not yet been contacted. 
  3. A polished sample chapter. 
  4. A one-page, single-spaced narrative specifying the workshop objectives, why and how this opportunity will be important for the completion of the monograph, the approximate date and location of the workshop within AY 2025-26, and what the applicant’s timeline is for promotion to Associate or Full Professor.  
  5. A proposed list of scholars, with affiliations and areas of specializations. Applicants should not make advance commitments to any listed scholar but may check scholars’ general interest in participating. 
  6. Workshop Budget  

Permissible expenses include: 

  1. Travel expenses (e.g., airfare, ground transportation, lodging); 
  2. External members’ honoraria; 
  3. Workshop expenses (e.g., space charges, copying services, meals).

The grants will be awarded as reimbursement for incurred expenses, upon submission of receipts. Expenses must be consistent with Georgetown University’s reimbursement rules, including class of travel restrictions, and meal/hotel caps. 

Application material should be submitted by email as a single PDF attachment to by May 2, 2025.

Grant awardees will be asked to submit a report (500 words) to Georgetown Humanities upon completion of their workshop and to credit Georgetown Humanities Initiative support in their research outputs.

Georgetown Humanities Collaboratory (GHC) Grants

The Georgetown Humanities Initiative seeks innovative, experimental proposals that foster collaborative inquiry in the humanities in creative ways and generate a shared community around a set of well-defined humanities research questions or issues. The aim of the GHC grants is to connect Georgetown humanities scholars across academic units, world regions, historical eras, and disciplines and to imagine a more expansive presence for the humanities at our university.     

Georgetown Humanities plans to sponsor up to two grants up to $10,000 each for AY 2025-26.

Proposals should address the following:

All full-time faculty members holding appointments in Georgetown humanities departments are eligible to apply.

Preference may be given to faculty members who have not received funding from GHI or other Georgetown University sources during the past three years.

Please submit the following as a single PDF file to by May 2, 2025:

Grants will be awarded as reimbursement for incurred expenses upon submission of receipts. Purchase of computers or other tech equipment is not an eligible expense. Expenses must be consistent with Georgetown University’s reimbursement rules.

Project activities, expenses, and reimbursements must take place in AY 2025-26. Grants cannot be postponed.

The Georgetown Humanities Initiative reserves the right not to make awards if applications appear not to warrant them.

Project directors or co-directors awarded a Georgetown Humanities Collaboratory (GHC) grant are expected to send a written report (500 words) of grant activities and outcomes to the Georgetown Humanities Initiative at the end of the award coverage period, including a summary of expenditures.

GHC grant recipients are asked to credit Georgetown Humanities Initiative support in their research outputs and events publicity. The Georgetown Humanities Initiative provides support to publicize events; please email GHI with event details at least two weeks prior to the event date.

Georgetown Humanities Individual Research Grants

The Georgetown Humanities Initiative will award several grants between $500 and $3000 on a competitive basis for individual faculty’s research or creative projects in the humanities.

Grants can support a variety of projects, including (but not strictly limited to) the following models: research and travel support for archival work or other research for scholarly projects (new or in progress); starting or supporting a new journal; digital or public-facing projects; translation support for one’s own work; graduate or undergraduate student assistantship for projects in the planning stage, in progress, or under contract; manuscript editing or indexing; copyright permissions; organization of research seminars, round-tables, or conferences benefiting the Georgetown community of humanities scholars and students.

All full-time faculty members holding appointments in Georgetown humanities departments are eligible to apply.

Preference may be given to faculty members who have not received funding from GHI or Georgetown University sources during the past three years.

Please submit the following as a single PDF file to by May 2, 2025:

Grants will be awarded as reimbursement for incurred expenses upon submission of receipts. Conference travel and purchase of computers or other tech equipment are not eligible expenses. Expenses must be consistent with Georgetown University’s reimbursement rules.

Project activities, expenses, and reimbursements must take place in AY 2025-26. Grants cannot be postponed.

The Georgetown Humanities Initiative reserves the right not to make awards if applications appear not to warrant them.

Grant recipients are expected to send a written report (500 words) of grant activities and outcomes to the Georgetown Humanities Initiative at the end of the award coverage period, including a summary of expenditures.

They are also asked to credit Georgetown Humanities Initiative support in their research outputs and events publicity. The Georgetown Humanities Initiative provides support to publicize events; please email GHI with event details at least two weeks prior to the event date.