Amitav Ghosh at 2023 Voices on the Environment
Amitav Ghosh was the plenary speaker of the 2023 Voices on the Environment, a series of events at the intersection of science, the humanities and the arts that link environmental journalism, literary writing, activist performance, and critical approaches to climate change, the environment, and language.

Amitav Ghosh is the internationally-recognized author of The Calcutta Chromosome, The Glass Palace, The Nutmeg’s Curse, The Great Derangement: Climate Change and the Unthinkable and numerous, far-reaching fiction and non-fiction works that span personal identity to colonialism and climate change.
Introduced by Georgetown University College of Arts & Sciences Dean Rosario Ceballo and GHI Director Nicoletta Pireddu, Ghosh explored connections between colonialism and climate change.
After his lecture, he participated in a panel discussion with Rabih Alameddine (novelist and poet, author of The Wrong End of the Telescope; Lannan Foundation Visiting Chair Fall ’23) and Ashanee Kottage (SFS’22, Earth Commons Post-baccalaureate Fellow).
The event concluded with a Q&A with the audience in a packed Gaston Hall.