The Theo-Humanism Project (THP)
The Theo-Humanism Project (THP) explores connections between the humanities and theological inquiry, drawing on the Jesuit notion of discerning divine movements in all human experience. THP’s varied activities aim to help scholars and students better engage the humanities across cultures—from great works of literature to bioethics—with a view to the human experience as a foundational arena of theological inquiry. THP strives to shed light on ways in which hidden theological insights are at play in all university knowledge pursuits for the greater good.

THP began in 2014—and continues—as a college course (THEO 192). It now features as a MOOC on the edX platform and has a blog on Facebook for ongoing postings. The project is led by Professor Paul Heck , who partners with scholars at Georgetown and across the nation. Please be in touch with him if you’d like to create a post for the THP blog or have a proposal for a THP activity.