Category: News

90 Articles


Non-Academic Professional Opportunities for Humanities Ph.D. Students

A panel on February 1st, 2023, explored alternative careers in professional associations and federal agencies in education.  Victoria Sams (Ph.D. in Comparative Literature,…

March 2, 2023


Georgetown Humanities Initiative Book Manuscript Workshop Grants

After featuring Professor Bradley Gorski in our Fall 2022 issue, we are now delighted to showcase another recipient of a GHI Book Manuscript Workshop Grant–Professor Amani…

January 20, 2023


Global Humanities Seminar Series “Understanding and Including Forced Migrants and Refugees: Responses from the Humanities”

Thanks to a grant from the Office of the Vice President for Global Engagement, the Georgetown Humanities Initiative and the Initiative for Multilingual Studies organized the year…

December 16, 2022


Professor Julia Watts Belser launches “Disability and Climate Change: A Public Archive Project”

We are thrilled to announce the completion of the first project sponsored by a Georgetown Humanities Initiative Booster Grant, sponsoring interdisciplinary humanistic research…

December 16, 2022


Georgetown Humanities Initiative Junior Faculty Book Manuscript Workshops

With the aim of supporting the career development of humanities pre-tenure faculty members, the Georgetown Humanities Initiative has made grants available for Junior Faculty Book…

December 16, 2022

Student Stories

Meet the 2022–23 HALC Fellows

The HALC Students Fellows Program is part of the Georgetown Humanities Initiative. Our collective goal is to understand and to enhance the potential of…

October 20, 2022


An Interdisciplinary Approach to Life’s Big Questions

Uncertainty is inherent to the human experience, but it’s often at odds with planning for the future, living in the moment and making sense of life. To address the issue of…

March 17, 2022


Humanities Teaching as Leadership Training: A Study-to-Practice Faculty Development Workshop Series

This spring semester, the Georgetown Humanities Initiative will partner with Kallion Leadership Inc. to host a four-part workshop series open to faculty, graduate students and…

January 24, 2022


The Medical Humanities Initiative Launches Minor

Georgetown University offers especially fertile terrain for a novel, cross-campus, and critically-minded minor in Medical Humanities, Culture, and Society. This minor brings…

December 14, 2021

Student Stories

Students Reflect on Prof. Morrison’s course “Race, Representation, and Renaissance”

Kiara Finlay (C ‘22) and Elliot Segnini (C ‘23) share how Prof. Morrison’s ENG 210 class “Race, Representation, and Renaissance” course made them think differently and…

December 14, 2021